Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Green tea benefits

green tea benefits

I remember hearing about green tea for the first time about ten years ago. It has been around forever, but it was not something that was ‘hip’ until then. There are a lot of things that they say this stuff can do, but there also seems to be a lot of disagreement about what is true and what is hype. The various things that are mentioned as green tea benefits sound wonderful, but no one seems to be sure if these claims are true or not. Whatever the case, you can’t seem to get away from products that have green tea in them.

Some of the most commonly touted green tea benefits is that it can help cleanse the body of toxins. When toxins build up in the body, this can lead to all sorts of problems, so something that can cleanse the body would indeed be a great thing. Many drink it for this purpose and they claim that it makes them feel remarkably well. While I don’t know if it really does that, it certainly won’t hurt to drink it. Others claim it has health benefits associated with preventing certain types of cancer.

Some other green tea benefits are that it might help with irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes, weight loss, fat metabolism, cholesterol, and liver function. Some even claim it helps boost the immune system, so it might help those with HIV/AIDS. In order to get these great benefits of green tea however, it is recommended that milk not be added to the tea when it is ingested. It tends to bond with certain molecules with in the tea that might block some of the healing properties of the tea.

There are a few ways to enjoy the benefits of green tea. Many like to have a cup or two each day, and there are also green tea supplements. These are rather inexpensive, and anyone can find them in their grocery store, and this is also sold in health foods types stores. Though many of the benefits of green tea are largely unknown and perhaps the conclusions are not as strong as they could be, it certainly won’t hurt anyone to drink a cup a day to see if it has any health benefits. It is considered to be an extremely healthy supplement to any diet, but it is a good idea to remember it does contain some caffeine. If caffeine bothers a person, they may have to find a non-caffeinated form.